Seven random facts about me
I was tagged by Erica Martino to participate in the following exercise in self-disclosure.
1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
1. I love my birthday and opening presents and all that funnn, also my bday is in 5 days!!
2. I have a really amazing husband. He is really really good to me. I love him.
3. I am really looking forward to becoming a mom and enjoying every little thing about it from the second I find out I'm pregnant to being pregnant, to giving birth and nursing and EVERYTHING!!! I know I'm crazy =P
4. I have a lot of little moles and freckles all over me. I like them.
5. I want to move to England and am trying to convince Chris to do it but it's not working so far.
6. I LOVE going to the movies. One of my ideas of a great date is going out to dinner and then to the movies. Especially romantic comedies =)
7. I Tivo and watch Days of Our Lives everyday. There I confessed it!!!! haha
OK I tag:
My hubby Mike Lamson Angela Corbin Cadie Rae Daniel Rudd David Rudd Kelly Corbin (don't know your new last name??)
And you guys are like my only seven friends so that worked out..... =)
A little perspective
9 years ago
i love you too :).
Anne I miss ya, I have been anti-blog but this makes me want to do it again. :)
I am really bad at these, I just checked and saw you tagged me. I love reading your blog.
My last name is O'Connor. =) Sorry it took a month to respond. Kell
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