Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sprinkle Spangles

So once and a while when I am reminiscing about certain parts of my childhood I always remember this cereal that I used to LOVE. I remember it especially around Christmastime, because the first time I had ever eaten it I was on this retreat with some girls from my church and there was snow on the ground. Also because the cereal is in the shape of stars and they are covered in multi-colored sprinkles. Everytime I drive by a house with multi-colored Christmas lights on them it makes me think of that cereal, every single time. I started to talk to Chris last night about them and we decided to try to figure out what they were called; after searching the internet for a while and looking up some discontinued cereals (thank you wikipedia) we finally figured it out. They were called Sprinkle Spangles. I know it probably seems silly, but it is crazy how things like that can bring back memories. Check out this old commercial that we found:

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