Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I am so sore!!!

Yep. My legs hurt so bad. I knew that that was probably going to happen. Tonight when I went to the Y after work I did the Zumba! class. It is like a cardio/latin dance aerobic routine. It was interesting. I guarantee if you walked up to the window and watched us all you would have laughed. I thought that I would feel stupid, which I did somewhat, but the class was so packed, and everyone was pretty looking about the same as me that it didn't even matter. It was pretty funny and everyone seemed to be having fun, plus I really worked up a sweat. Spinning is still WAAAY harder though. Tomorrow will be different again, I am going to try a step class, then an abs class and then some other class's called M&M and I have no idea what that stands for so I still need to find out what that is about. Next week I have an hour set up with a wellness coach to teach me how to use the free-motion weightlifting equipment, since I don't really want to use free weights by myself. The best part is that it is free. Everyone is pretty helpful there. Sometime soon Lauren (one of my good friends and our roomie) is going to come with me and we're gonna spend the evening in the pool with her teaching me some stuff. She used to be a swimmer in high school and really misses it I guess. I also want to look into joining a volleyball team there. Anyways, basically my free time in the evening now consists of going to the Y coming home, and getting my stuff ready for the next day and eating and going to bed. It's definitely a complete change in schedule but it is totally going to pay off. Tonight has been nice because Chris worked the same shift as me today and we get to hang out for a while. Speaking of that, it's time for bed.

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