Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

I made an effort to get up earlier today that way I could go and vote before I went to work. So off Chris and I went at around 7:20 am this morning...the line wasn't too bad. There was a couple people out the door but we got in and out quickly. This is a big election and I know the outcome will go down in history. Either way something big is going happen. We are either going to have the first African American President, or a woman for Vice President. Big stuff. I love my husband, he is funny. He took today off from work months ago. I know that he is sitting on the couch right now watching the news with the laptop on his lap sipping his coffee and eating some oatmeal, and Nile is lying there on the couch next to him.
On a down note....this is so incredibly sad:


I can't believe his Grandmother passed away right before this election. Obviously it is bitter sweet especially if he wins, but if he does it is sad that she didn't get to see that happen before she passed.

On a lighter more fun note...Tonight I am skipping bowling and we are going to be attending a little "election get together". Chris is going to make his amazing Enchiladas and I'm sure that some good beer and wine will be involved. Our friend has promised to make some sort of dessert which I am already looking forward to. Should be a fun time had by all.

On an ending note..: This election makes me a little nervous, for whoever wins. But deep down I know that God is in control. And everything is going to work out in the end.

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